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My mission is to empower women to embrace their potential for growth at any stage of life. 

Read my story below to find out more about my journey and how I started living a more fulfilling life.  Then book a session and let me help you to do the same, by sharing everything I wish I'd known from the start, so you can get on with living the fulfilling life you deserve! 

My Story

Whenever someone asks me about my story I always struggle to know where to start because my life has been so varied and I feel like I've lived about six lives in one! 

I spent a lot of my time reinventing myself, probably because I didn't really know who I was.  I think this was partly due to age but also to do with me worrying more about what others thought than what I really wanted myself. 

I struggled most of my life with undiagnosed ADHD which led to lots of impulsive behaviour, bad choices, and a rollercoaster lifestyle.  However, I still did well for myself and through hard work trained to be a teacher and had a succesful teaching career.  But this all came at a cost and despite having a good career and earning good money, I reached a point in my life where I experienced severe burn out and was left feeling empty and unfufilled.  I spent a number of years trying to find, things, people, or holidays, to make me feel fulfilled.  Nothing I did made me feel happy and I had no idea why.


What followed was 10 years of soul searching, tons of self-development, and lots of asking for help, which was way out of my comfort zone.  Prior to this, I saw asking for help as a sign of weakness and convinced myself that I should be able to figure it all out by myself.  But I'm so glad I changed my mindset as having a coach helped me to identify the strengths I have and to really ask myself the deep self-reflective questions to help me understand what I really want.   I now live a much calmer and more fulfilling life and have more financial stability than I've ever had.  I also have a much better relationship with myself and others and have a positive support network around me.


The only regret I have is not reaching out for help sooner.  Looking back I can see so many points in my life where I could have started the work sooner and perhaps not lost so many years of my life.  But now all I can do is use my experience to help others and I'd love to have the opportunity to share some of my shortcuts with you, so you can start living the fulfilling life you deserve a lot quicker!

I'm currently experiencing a high number of new clients.  So join the waiting list below and I'll be in touch as soon as a space becomes available.

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